Prof Watterson stated: “Evidence on crumb rubber chemical health and environmental hazards as well as risk assessment gaps indicate a tougher precautionary and prevention strategy on synthetic pitches in Scotland is essential.

“There are so many chemicals now recognised in plastics, many unregulated, that this renders individual health and environmental risk assessments of known hazards too slow, complicated and impractical.”

Prof Watterson added that the research used by governments and sports bodies was “often seriously outdated and deeply flawed, lagging well behind the latest international research available.”

This claim was refuted by the Scottish government, which said “at least 95% of the material in use falls within the limits set in restriction under EU Reach (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals).”

A spokesman added: “There are currently no widely available alternative infill products with proven durability on the market that are as effective, suitable for all UK weather conditions and deliver the required performance standards.”

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