The jury at Bolton Crown Court found Wilson, of Bowling Green Row, guilty of 23 further sexual offences relating to children and adults, including indecent assault and rape.

Police said he began a “horrifying pattern” of abusive behaviour in 1972, aged 14. Over 51 years, Wilson abused seven victims.

He subjected those victims to deeply traumatising experiences, ranging from inappropriate advances to acts of coercion and rape, GMP said.

Over the years, Wilson’s predatory behaviour continued to escalate as he manipulated and took advantage of his victims, shattering their innocence and trust, the force said.

According to the police, the decades of abuse unravelled last year when Wilson was arrested at his home on suspicion of sexual assault involving a child, following an “incredibly brave” disclosure from one of his victims.

It led to a thorough search of his property, which yielded two mobile phone devices, a disc in an envelope, and a small camera containing an SD card.

Police also recovered a hidden camera, which along with the mobile phones, contained incriminating video footage.

The videos fell under the category of first-generation, type A indecent images of children, capturing deeply distressing and sadistic acts, GMP said.

Evidence of further victims was subsequently discovered.

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