Pro-Palestine marches in London will continue until the war is called off, one of their organisers has promised.
The large-scale marches have caused disruption throughout the capital city, as protesters have gathered in their thousands to call for a ceasefire to the Israel-Hamas war.
The latest march on December 9 had approximately 100,000 take part, organiser Ben Jamal claims.
Jamal, director of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, said: “We’ll keep marching until a ceasefire is called.
“What we plan to do with the extraordinary support and solidarity we’ve seen over the past few weeks is channel it into our campaign to end to all UK complicity with Israel’s oppressive state, by the government, public bodies, companies and corporations.”
Last Friday, the UK chose to abstain from a vote calling for an immediate ceasefire at the UN Security Council meeting.
The call was backed by 13 out of 15 countries who voted, however the UK abstained. A veto from the US stopped the vote for the cessation dead in its tracks.
“The fact that our government is one of only two, alongside the US, that did not vote in favour of that motion is shameful,” Jamal said.
“That’s why we’re out marching in protest to say ‘you do not represent us!’”
The Palestinian Solidarity Campaign group has been organising national and local protests across the UK since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7.
They are the largest organisation in the UK dedicated to supporting Palestine, with 80 branches and 15 national trade unions.
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