Burning fat and carving a toned body is not easy, but following a week-by-week programme can be a good way to stay accountable and achieve your goals.

NASM nutritionist and founder www.bio-synergy.uk Daniel Herman shared a six-week plan with all the nutrition and fitness tips you need to transform your body.

Week One

He said: “Believe it or not you already have a six-pack – it’s just lying underneath some soon-to-be-used energy. So for your first week we’re going to get you started on a running programme, have you ever seen a fat marathon runner? I don’t think so.

“Running – apart from cross-country skiing in the snow – burns the most fat, and produces more six-packs than any other aerobic exercise there is. Running is a weight-bearing activity which means that the more you run, the more your body wants to get rid of excess, useless weight, such as that nasty flab hiding your killer abs.

“So your goal this week is to run at least three times a week. If you are not a born runner, try power-walking or a slow jog, anything to get the heart rate up and the sweat dripping.

“If you already run increase your distance as ‘change requires change’ and a shock or overload to your body will promote a change of body shape and that six-pack can climb a little closer to the surface. So off you go.”

Planking builds ab muscles


What you eat is also incredibly important. Daniel continued: “As I’m sure you are aware, there’s not much point in beating yourself on the track or in the gym if you’re going to stuff your face soon after.

“So this week’s eating goal is simple, cut out or heavily minimise… refined carbohydrates.”

Refined carbohydrates include foods such as breakfast cereals, crisps, energy drinks, biscuits, cakes, muffins, pastries, the vast majority of breads, bagels, chocolate and fast foods.

Daniel continued: “Weight loss is about controlling insulin levels, not the amount of fat in the diet. Refined carbs produce the most intense insulin spikes, which unquestionably lead to high blood sugar levels and fat to be stored.

“By reducing these refined carbohydrates you are preventing fat from being stored, stick to more colourful carbohydrates such as spinach, broccoli and peppers for your carbohydrate intake, raw and organic where possible, these hold mountains more nutrients and keep your blood sugars steady, helping instead of hindering your six-pack.”

Week Two

Daniel continued: “You’ve started your excavation of the fat hiding your six-pack from seeing the light of day. Now this week you’re going to start building them up with your very first abdominal session.

“In order for any monumental, long-standing structure, one needs to build solid, life-long foundations. Your six-pack will look a million times better when you have a strong and flat platform to build it from. This is why every abdominal session will start with working the deep/lower Transverse Abdominus muscle.

“This core muscle goes all around your trunk taking pressure off your spine and giving you a wasp-like waist, as opposed to a bloated, distended body-builder look.

“Exercises such as the plank or bridge are great and all you need is a piece of floor and possibly a long broomstick to make sure your back is perfectly aligned, with a straight line going from your tailbone to your mid spine and finally your head. With your belly button drawn deeply into your spine will activate your TVA.

“Aim to hold for a one-minute and complete three sets. The second exercise will be full crunches preferably on a Swiss Ball suited to your size, if you do not have access to a Swiss Ball, get one.

“A ball will accelerate you to getting a six-pack even faster. Perform three sets of 12 crunches – if you can do 12 comfortably make it tougher for yourself by straightening your arms over your head, perform crunches slowly and keep it under tension the entire time, no resting on the floor or stretching on the ball.

“The Rectus Abdominus (six-pack muscle) is predominantly fast twitch which means it responds best to heavy weight and low repetition so the tougher the crunch can be, the quicker the six-pack you’ll see. Perform this simple but effective routine three times a week.”

Week Three

Daniel said: “So we’re running at least three times a week, gradually increasing the time and/or distance and you’ve stopped eating any refined carbohydrates and plenty of colourful vegetables. Now take the next giant step towards six-pack heaven and cut out or heavily minimised processed foods.

“Keep up the cardio at least three times a week. To add to the routine for rippling abs, try the following.

“When performing the plank elevate your feet on a bench or chair for extra intensity, remembering to keep your head up in alignment with your upper back and shoulders.

“To emphasise the lower abdominals lie down on your back, draw your belly button towards your spine and then compress your back into the floor making sure your lower back does not come off the ground. If you can do this slowly, move one leg out as if you were rolling it along a skateboard, bring it back and alternate legs, move only as far as you can without your back rising off the ground.

“Super Set this with the Swiss Ball crunches to emphasise the upper fibres of your almost there six-pack.”

Week Four

The expert advised: “Remember that 80 per cent of your six-pack directly comes from what goes down your throat. Now, you are going to fine-tune your diet, by getting your ratios right.

“Now that your diet is all-natural, it is time to work out what ratios of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will work best for you, hence burn the most fat.

“This week your goal is to experiment and perfect your ratios at each meal, some key signs that you ate right for your type include feeling satisfied for three to four hours with good energy, no sugar cravings, emotionally stable and good mental focus.

“Signs that you ate the wrong mix include indigestion, frequent and smelly gas, caffeine or sugar cravings, bloated stomach or feeling lethargic and sleepy. Work out your ratios and you will not only eat yourself slim, but you will also have abundant energy and health.”

He shared further advice for your workouts this week, stating: “This week you are going to pour more effort into slicing the fat off by moving every day.

“Run three times a week and on your off days, either cycle or swim to give your joints a rest but still keep your body moving, giving it no chance to store fat. Give yourself one day of complete rest for your body, mind and soul.”

Week Five

He continued: “To get the edge and have a full body balance you must keep your muscle groups of equal strength. This week along with your ab routine you will perform an exercise called the Prone Cobra this will keep you walking upright and handsome.


Slimmers will need to ditch processed foods GETTY

Prone Cobra

Lie face down on floor
Palms facing down
Lift trunk off the floor
Squeeze shoulder blades together,
Your palms should now be facing outward towards the wall with your thumbs pointing to the ceiling
Keep your chin tucked in as you lift your chest off the floor.
Draw your belly button in to switch your abdominals on.

“If the back of your arms being to fatigue place your hands below chin,” the expert stated.

He also advised cutting down on sugar as much as possible during the final weeks. Daniel listed the below things to cut back on.

“Alcohol – it is number one because it causes the biggest increase in your blood sugar levels. It is a nuclear sugar bomb. Cut it down by 50 per cent.

“Biscuits – it’s hard to stop at just one, so don’t start. This week snack on some fruit and nuts.

“Cakes – everyone knows they are bad. Instead of a piece of cake, have a piece of fruit.

“White sugar – halve the amount you put in your tea coffee and cereal, even better have herbal tea.

“Chocolate – cut out milk chocolate and replace it with dark chocolate (ideal organic with a cocoa content of at least 70%).

“Desserts (apple pie, ice cream, cheesecake etc) – cut them out, if you need a sweet fix after dinner or any other time then have fruit salad and natural yoghurt.

“Fruit drinks from concentrate/cordial – this is basically sugar water. Dilute it more than normal.

“Fizzy drinks – without doubt the most sugary liquid available. Replace with freshly squeezed vegetable juice or try carbonated water with a squeeze of lime or lemon.

“Sweets – coloured sugar in all shapes and sizes, even dried fruit.

“This might seem tough, but if you are consuming enough quality, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, sugar cravings should soon disappear. Remember sugar craves more sugar, stop the cycle by not starting it. Trust me, those chiselled abs will bring you more pleasure than any chocolate bar.”

Week Six

Daniel said: “You’ve made it this far… but you need to keep your award-winning abs with this new and monster routine.

“Try the plank lifting one arm and then the opposite leg off the ground, this will mean just about every abdominal muscle will be switched on stopping you from over-balancing and falling on your face, alternate arms and legs for as long as you can hold good.

“Try a plank lying on your side. Again keep a perfectly straight body. If you can hold this for at least 30 seconds increase the intensity by placing your arm out further towards your head, careful this move is a killer.

“To improve on perfect, perform Swiss ball crunches with a weight held over your head, remembering to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth to stabilise and support your neck. Performing three sets of 8-12 repetitions will keep your super abs super strong.

“What to eat to maintain your Super-abs? Super foods of course. These include flaxseed oil, wheat or barley grass, aloe vera juice and spinach and quinoa.

“Flaxseed oil can be used on cereal or salads; wheat or barley can be drunk like a shot of heavenly goodness.

“For aloe vera juice, one tablespoon can be added to your morning glass of water. Spinach can be used in salads instead of lifeless lettuce and quinoa is the ideal replacement for pasta.”

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