Ensuring you follow a healthy diet is essential if you want to lose weight, and for some people, this may mean cutting out – or drastically reducing – some of their favourite foods.

A doctor revealed some of the foods to “avoid” if your goal is to slim down. He advised ditching chips and crisps to see results.

Dr Erik Richardson, a doctor of osteopathic medicine and family practice physician, took to YouTube to share his top tips for seeing weight loss results.

Dr Richardson said: “Most everybody struggles with losing weight. It’s not a normal, natural thing for our bodies and sometimes we just struggle knowing where to start.

‘French fries and potato chips are very high in calories’


“Exercise is important but it’s only a small amount of the picture. It really boils down to finding ways of eating that work with you and your body.

“But no matter what eating plan you go with as you are trying to lose weight, there are certain foods that we know are going to get you in trouble.”

While there are “tonnes” of foods that can scupper a person’s weight loss goals, two of the “most common” – and also the doctor’s downfall – are chips and crisps.

He said: “The blessed chips and crisps: Nothing beats a fresh McDonald’s French fry but it wreaks havoc on your waistline.

“Chips and crisps are very high in calories and are easily broken down and converted into sugar in the body, and can quickly turn to fat.

“Several studies show that consuming chips and crisps are linked to weight gain, and one showed that potato chips may contribute to more weight gain per serving than any other food.”

Dr Richardson recommended that slimmers “eliminate” these two calorific foods – or at least keep them to a “minimum” – if they want to lose weight.

The expert weighed in on some more diet choices that may see the number on the scales go up instead of down.

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