Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called for an end to “sick note culture”, vowing to crack down on sickness benefits.

Giving a major speech on welfare reform today, the Prime Minister called for the focus to shift to what work people might be able to do.

In the speech Sunak said: “Today, we’re publishing our call for evidence, because I’m not saying I’m standing here today as a precise arbiter of what it’s going to look like. But we’re going to ask people’s views, we’re going to try on a range of different things. But I do think that there is an argument for moving away from GPs doing this. There’s a lot of demands on GPS. And it may be that this is better done by other professionals.

“Also, GPs have a quite special relationship with their patients and inserting this into it puts them sometimes, when you talk to them, in a difficult position, because they don’t want to damage that relationship with their patient, and it may be harder for them.”


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