The government has promised a £500m grant towards the development of a new £1.25bn electric arc furnace which recycles scrap metal, is less energy intensive, but requires far fewer staff.

The closure of both furnaces would cost 2,800 jobs while extending the life of one of them would save 2,000 of those jobs if the remaining blast furnace was left on until the new electric arc furnace had been built on the site, which could take up to three years.

Sources close to the matter told the that Unite had given Tata the perfect excuse to shut down early, accelerating job losses.

But Unite officials rejected that, saying their action “had helped focus minds” and they are claiming a victory of sorts over the news that further talks will take place after the election.

However, in a letter to unions from Tata – seen by the – it is clear the company had already agreed to further talks after the upcoming election.

Alun Davies, national officer for the Community union, said: “Tata have confirmed that if the strike is called off they are ready to resume discussions on a potential memorandum of understanding.

“The truth is Tata never walked away from those discussions, and at our last meeting on 22 May all unions agreed to conclude the negotiations and put the outcome to our members.

“Community would welcome resuming those discussions, but we regret that zero progress has been made since 22 May.”

Officials from other unions say that Unite has achieved “nothing but chaos and have cost their members money” – a reference to an earlier overtime ban which Unite called without the agreement or knowledge of the other unions.

Union officials acknowledge that there is no guarantee that Tata will agree to extending the life of one furnace beyond its scheduled shutdown in September.

But officials have expressed hope that if Labour wins the election, its manifesto commitment to invest £2.5bn in the steel industry could help secure a lifeline.

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