A Home Office spokesperson said the gangs arranging the transport “only care about profit” – and the more recent crossings had seen “more people crammed into flimsy and dangerous boats”.

This year, drowning is the most common cause of death, accounting for 32 people, according to the IOM figures.

Deaths linked to “harsh environmental conditions / lack of adequate shelter, food, water et cetera”, which refers to those who died from conditions like hypothermia, dehydration or exposure, are the second most common, at eight.

The others are categorised as:

  • accidental death (such as trampling or asphyxiation due to overcrowding) – 4

  • vehicle accident or hazardous transport (such as traffic accidents) – 3

  • sickness or lack of adequate healthcare – 2

  • mixed or unknown – 2

  • violence – 1

The IOM began tracking the fatalities in 2014, as part of its global “missing migrants” project.

The IOM’s UK representative, Christa Rottensteiner, said: “These deaths are preventable – more safe and regular routes are urgently needed to prevent further tragedies, while also addressing the root causes of irregular migration.”

So far this year, more than 26,600 people have crossed to the UK in small boats – but separate figures from France and Belgium suggest more than 40,000 attempts were made.

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