Donald Trump has disputed Kamala Harris’ claims the public release of her medical records show she’s got a clean bill of health. 

Vice President Harris’ doctor released her latest physical report in an open letter on Saturday, saying the Democrat candidate is in ‘excellent health’. 

But Trump took a different view, claiming the fact she suffers from bad seasonal allergies which may cause hives would affect her ability to function properly. 

‘I have just seen Kamala’s Report, and it is not good,’ he said on Truth Social.  

 ‘These are deeply serious conditions that clearly impact her functioning.’

Vice President Harris released a medical report of her most recent physical on Saturday October 12, penned by her primary care physician Dr Joshua Simmons

Vice President Harris released a medical report of her most recent physical on Saturday October 12, penned by her primary care physician Dr Joshua Simmons

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Trump focused on the part of her report that shows she’s suffering from hives, known medically as ‘urticaria’. 

‘According to her doctor’s report, she suffers from ‘urticaria,’ defined as ‘a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling.”

The hives that VP Harris suffers with are reportedly temporary raised skin rashes, similar in appearance to a large bug bite, that can be triggered by allergies, stress or certain foods. 

It is not clear what triggers her hives, but her report shows she suffers from seasonal allergies and is on medication for it.

Former President Trump appeared to pour over the details of VP Harris’ medical report, saying that her seasonal allergies and temporary hives were dangerous and suggested she may be unfit for office

These bumps can be itchy and uncomfortable but the condition is not dangerous nor life threatening, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

There rashes are common, with about 20 percent of Americans dealing with them at some point in their lives. 

Trump also seized on Harris’ allergies of ‘rhinitis and conjunctivitis’ calling them a ‘very messy and dangerous situation.’ 

Allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis are terms that refer to nose and eye irritation cause by mild, seasonal allergies from pollen or human and animal hair. 

An allergic reaction can be life threatening if you have a reaction called anaphylaxis to your particular trigger. 

This can cause the mouth, tongue or throat to swell up, making it difficult to breathe, or abdominal pain and fainting. 

In general, according to the Yale Medicine, these severe reactions tend to occur in response to allergies like shellfish, peanuts or bee stings, and don’t happen with the allergies that VP Harris suffers from, which are likely in response to pollen, mold or dust mites. 

Dr Joshua Simmons, VP Harris’ primary care physician, said that she has never had a severe reaction to her allergies, and instead just deals with an irritated nose and eyes. 

She has been undergoing ‘allergen immunotherapy’ for the past three years to reduce her sensitivity to her allergens. 

This involves slowly being exposed to more and more amounts of your allergen so that your body stops reacting to it as strongly – reducing irritation of the eyes and nose. It is usually delivered via a shot or pill.

This therapy has been effective, Dr Simmons said, and she only requires occasional  over-the-counter nasal spray to deal with her symptoms. 

President Trump began a separate rant on X on October 14 calling VP Harris’ cognitive stability into question. 

‘I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility. Her actions have led many to believe that there could be something very wrong with her,’ he said. 

He claims that her performance during recent interviews, in which she is ‘slow and lethargic’ in answering questions, is evidence of mental decline. 

The report didn’t include specifics about her cognitive abilities, but Dr Simmons did test VP Harris’ cranial nerves, a crucial step in determining the health of the nervous system, and found she passed. 


White House Doctor Joshua Simmons declared Vice President Harris in ‘excellent health’. 

Her only ailments were related to seasonal allergies – caused by dust, pollen or mold. These cause the VP some eye and nose irritation. She also sometimes gets hives, potentially because of these allergies, or stress.

Her doctor said she’s managed these symptoms, and only requires an occasional over the counter nasal spray.

Her cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and vitamin levels were normal. She has no signs of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, neurological disease or bone degeneration. 

As is standard for physical exams for someone of her age, VP Harris did not submit to a cognitive test as part of her physical. Other neurological exams showed that her nervous system appears to be functioning well.  

It isn’t standard for a 59 year old to receive a cognitive test – which measures one’s thinking, reasoning and awareness – during a routine physical, such as the one Dr Simmons performed. 

As far as anyone can confirm, VP Harris has not taken a cognitive test. 

Still, Dr Simmons said she possesses both ‘the physical and mental resiliency required to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency’. 

For his side of things, Trump infamously bragged about ‘acing’ a test that checks for dementia and includes drawings of animals. 

The report included other details that Trump didn’t comment on. This included that she had normal cholesterol, heart rate, blood pressure, vitamin levels and blood sugar for someone of her age. 

They listed that she has a family history of colon cancer, which could put her at higher risk for developing the disease herself. 

But at this point, she is being monitored for early signs of the disease and is clear. 

She has no signs of diabetes, heart or lung disease, neurological disorders or osteoporosis – all common ailments of aging.  

Her steady levels could be in thanks to the reported lifestyle habits she keeps – which include taking vitamins, performing daily strength and cardio training and eating a ‘healthy diet’. 

Dr Simmons didn’t detail what that diet is comprised of, but reports have suggested that VP Harris has a sweet tooth and does consume alcohol occasionally, both potentially unhealthy habits. 

More attention has been on the health of Presidential candidates this year following a poor debate performance by 81 year old President Joe Biden – leading the public to question is mental fitness. This likely played a role in his stepping out of the Presidential race 

Still, Dr Simmons drew a different conclusion than the former President, stating that VP Harris: ‘possesses the physical and mental resiliency required to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State, and Commander in Chief.’ 

There has been more focus on the health of the candidates in the 2024 Presidential race than in any other in history. 

This is in part because of the attention drawn tot he mental acuity of President Biden after an abysmal debate performance – which likely lead to him dropping out of the race. 

Attention has likewise been levied at the 78 year old former president for his fitness. He has robustly denied any claims that he is unfit. 

At 12:42 am, the former President shared a post that claimed he was in excellent health. 

It said: ‘I’ve put out more Medical Exams than any other President in History, and aced two Cognitive Exams (the Doctor stated that my ‘cognitive exams were exceptional!’). I am far healthier than Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, but especially, Kamala.’

At 9:56 am, he said: ‘Kamala’s Medical Report is really bad. With all of the problems that she has, there is a real question as to whether or not she should be running for President! MY REPORT IS PERFECT – NO PROBLEMS!!!’  

However, his opponents on the left say that Trump, who is 78, should release his own medical records to prove these claims.  

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