Sir Tony Blair has broken his silence on claims he could one day return to frontline politics.

For years now rumours have been growing that the former Prime Minister could one day announce his intentions to once again take on a job in Government.

Following Labour’s catastrophic 2019 election defeat there were even suggestions he could start his own new political party.

And more recently, following David Cameron’s surprise appointment as Foreign Secretary, there have been claims that Sir Keir Starmer could one day put Blair in the House of Lords to do the same thing.

“Rishi bringing back Cameron has shown there is a path to Blair coming back as Foreign Secretary,” a source told The Sun.

“I wouldn’t bet against it.”

However, a spokeswoman for Blair has ruled out the 70-year-old making a return.

Asked about whether he would be interested in a Cabinet role under Starmer, she said: “It’s not something he would consider.

“He is happy doing work with his Institute, which takes up the vast majority of his time, and informs the debate on the right policy solutions for the country.”

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