Speaking to GB News Community Editor Michael Heaver in Westminster, Richard said of those in Government: “They’re not a conservative-minded group of people. They’re actually what I call consocialists.

“So they believe in high taxes, high regulation, nanny state, that rather paternalistic. ‘We’ll tell you what to do’ as manage decline.”

Richard went on to argue that: “They’re basically a bunch of Social Democrats and they’re no different to frankly centre-left socialist, the sort of Blairite folk. They think that’s all very nicey nicey.

“But what we’re seeing is people who don’t understand how to focus and make lives better for decent, ordinary, hard working folk up and down the country.

“So to talk about immigration for them is, is uncomfortable. But it is the number one issue for people who voted Conservative in 2019 and it’s therefore the number one feeling of the greatest sense of betrayal that a group of voters have ever, ever felt.

“Because Brexit was all about sovereignty, independent nation, taking back control of our laws, our money and our borders, critically ending freedom and movement of people.

“It wasn’t about then saying and we’re then going to open our borders to mass uncontrolled immigration year after year after year. And that’s where we’re at now.

“They’ve lost control of our borders. They’ve deliberately put in place policies that open the borders to huge numbers and open the borders to massive abuse.”

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