Roses have always enjoyed popularity because they come in various colours and often delectable scents.

As Spring sends the plants into vigorous growth they must be supported by healthy soil and balanced nutrients.

The flowers can be grown in arches, across borders and fences, making them easy to adapt to any environment. Deadheading spent flowers will ensure the shrubs thrive.

September is the month roses produce their second flush of flowers, bringing gardens back to life.

Deadheading is key to maintaining the appearance of roses


According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), deadheading describes the removal of fading and dead flowers from plants.

“It is done to keep plants looking attractive and encourage more blooms” later in the season.

The right time to perform the task is when flowers start looking faded or tatty.

Removing the spent blooms also prevents the rose plant from channelling its energy into producing seeds but growing new petals instead.

“The flowers produced in June can become slightly bleached by the intensity of the scorching mid-summer sun, whereas, come September, the days and nights have started to become a little cooler.

“[This allows] your roses to produce their flowers with more vivid, truer colours.

“To achieve the best results, simply deadhead your roses as soon as they have finished flowering for the first time.

“This will encourage more blooms to be produced later in the season, usually around six to eight weeks after deadheading.”

The best way to deadhead shrubs with stringy and tough stems is with a sharp pair of secateurs or knives.

Spent flowers should be removed at the stem, cutting back to just above the next leaf or bud.


Varieties will add swathes of colour to your garden if deadheaded at the right time


Gardeners could also get more from their rose blooms by feeding discarded products like coffee and banana peels to their soil.

Placing these products around the base of the plants will revitalise the flowers’ root system and strengthen growth.

Gardening expert Fiona Jenkins told GB News: “To strengthen your plant, you can use potassium-rich feeds such as Tomorite and your old banana peels into the soil near the plant. Do this at the beginning of spring to support growth.”

Placing a couple of banana peels at the base of each rose shrub will give the plants enough potassium to turbocharge their growth throughout summer.

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