Evening habits could play a crucial role in weight loss, impacting metabolism, blood sugar regulation and fat burning.

By adopting simple, yet effective routines, individuals can significantly enhance their weight loss efforts, wellness expert and coach and WowMD Dr Nicole Maholy, told GB News.

The expert recommended focusing on key areas such as dinner choices and post-meal activities.

“Firstly, I recommend having a protein-rich dinner at least three hours before bed, and then avoid eating anything afterwards,” Maholy explained.

Fish is an excellent source of protein

Fish is an excellent source of protein

“Protein helps keep you satisfied, stabilises blood sugar levels, promotes better sleep and supports muscle growth, which in turn enhances fat burning.”

By keeping the body fuller for longer, protein helps create an optimal environment for the body to shed excess weight.

“Avoiding late-night eating is also incredibly important for your metabolism,” added Maholy.

“Our bodies naturally become more insulin-resistant at night, so eating during this time can cause blood sugar spikes and increase insulin levels, which halts fat burning.

“In fact, late-night eating has even been linked to higher blood glucose levels the following morning.”

Moreover, consuming food close to bedtime can lead to digestive discomfort and avid reflux, disrupting sleep and potentially increasing cravings for unhealthy foods the next day.

Maholy added that engaging in light physical activity after dinner offers numerous benefits for weight loss.

A gentle walk, yoga or stretching can help regulate blood sugar levels and support digestion.

These activities also play a crucial role in reducing stress, which is vital for weight management.

“Chronic stress, which many people experience, elevates levels of a stress hormone called cortisol, which slows metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult,” said Maholy.

“By incorporating relaxing evening activities, you can lower cortisol levels, which improves your body’s ability to shed weight.”


Protein-rich meals in the morning accelerate weight loss


Finally, dieters hoping to lose weight should make sure they’re getting enough sleep, as this is paramount for weight loss.

Sleep deprivation can disrupt the gut microbiome and metabolic hormones, leading to cravings for unhealthy foods.

Maholy added: “Just like eating protein in the evening, starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast can accelerate weight loss.

“Additionally, protein promotes healthy muscle mass, and since muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat, building muscle can boost your overall metabolic rate.”

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