Bars of Kinder Bueno chocolate worth £134,000 have been stolen from an industrial estate.

The theft took place on the Gillibrands industrial estate, Skelmersdale at about 03:00 BST on 17 March.

Police said a lorry entered a business premises and hooked up a trailer containing the chocolate bars before making off.

Skelmersdale Police said it was “a significant commercial theft”.

The force believed the lorry was taken to Simonswood, in Kirkby, Merseyside, where the stolen goods were loaded onto another vehicle.

The stolen trailer had since been recovered in Rainford.

PC Holly Bennett, of Skelmersdale Police, urged anyone who had seen anything suspicious either in the area around the industrial estate, or the area where the load had been transferred or the trailer had been abandoned, to get in touch.

The industrial estate Gillibrands was one of the first industrial estates in Skelmersdale and is divided into West Gillibrands and East Gillibrands, according to Lancashire County Council.

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