A former Cabinet Minister says Sir Keir Starmer has questions to answer over his handling of the Post Office’s treatment of sub-postmasters, saying he had the power as Director of Public Prosecutions to decide whether or not the cases were viable.
Speaking on GB News Ranil Jayawardena said:
“I’m slightly biased on this front, but I come back to two key points. Firstly, Ed Davey was Post Office Minister. His party will be responsible for deciding whether they should continue to be led by him.
“But there’s another knight who also has a role here. Sir Keir Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions.
“He could have, at any time, under a law from 1985, taken over these prosecutions and decided that they were not viable, that there wasn’t the evidence that the Post Office was saying and scrapped them, and he didn’t.
“And I think questions need to be asked of him too.
“You can’t suddenly go from no one committing any fraud, or no material fraud in the Post Office, no material thefts in the post office from the sub-postmasters to suddenly a huge volume of these cases.
“How’s that happened overnight? Why did they all suddenly decide to do this, on the same day in the same year as a result of this system change?
“What was it in human behaviour that could have caused that? Clearly nothing. It was the system, and I would have thought a Director of Public Prosecutions might have looked at that.
“So I think there is a question there for Keir Starmer to answer.”