Pathologist Dr Nathaniel Cary, who conducted the post-mortem, told the court Sara had a “gaping” puncture wound to her head, as well as signs of being hit by an elongated object below her belly button.

He also confirmed that Sara’s bruising had indicated there had been a blunt impact of some description.

Sara’s body also had a number of scars from previous injuries, he added.

The court previously heard that Sara was hooded, burned and beaten during more than two years of abuse.

She had suffered 11 fractures to her spine, burns to her buttocks, caused by a domestic iron, and signs of a traumatic brain injury, the court was told.

Prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones KC previously said a bloodstained cricket bat, a rolling pin with Sara’s DNA on it, a metal pole, a belt and rope were found near the family’s outhouse.

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