Dr Poppelreuter said the exhibition would touch on “slum clearance, modernisation and living in densely populated neighbourhoods and being rehoused”.

She said it would also focus on “how its ‘slum clearance’ was captured by film and TV makers.”

Nick Hedges, one of the photographers whose work features in the exhibition said: “It is such a democratic representative portrait of Salford.

“The mix of residents and professional contributions is truly vibrant.

“A great example of how history can be created to represent and embrace the reality of ordinary people’s lives.”

Funded by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, the exhibition will include images from the public, photographers, TV and film, alongside architectural drawings and illustrations.

‘Invisible Cities: Salford before, during and after redevelopment, 1952 to 1974’ is the final event of the university project and will be running until 1 September.

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