The senior officer warned sex offenders or those thinking about offending to consider the consequences of their actions.

Det Ch Supt Sam Faulds said: “This is about the individuals who present a risk to those children and young people.

“This is targeting offenders and people who might not have reached that stage yet but have sexualised thoughts about children, to encourage them to get help themselves and to stop themselves becoming offenders.

“It is not a victimless crime, it is not an invisible crime, there are children at the heart of this.”

Police Scotland’s new prevention campaign is also aimed at potential offenders and urges them to consider the impact a prosecution would have have on their own family.

The message, “Get help, or get caught”, offers them a way to stop before they offend, directing them to Stop It Now! Scotland, external, run by the Lucy Faithfull Foundation.

The charity offers advice and support on online behaviour to prevent offending.

The campaign will run for six weeks across the summer break on social media platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and X.

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