This revelation gave Michaela hope that she would finally to face her alleged abuser in court.

At the request of the police, Michaela said she did “everything they asked me to” including deleting Facebook posts she had published about the case.

Not believing police had really found the tape she asked for a copy, but was told she could not have it until the end of the investigation.

But to her surprise the tape turned up in the post, and a copy was sent to her by email from Gwent Police.

It was because of this that the CPS then told Michaela in September 2023 they did not feel “the suspect could be given a fair trial”.

Another reason given by the CPS for not being able to charge the man was due to her social media posts about the case.

Michaela said: “I was told my evidence had been lawfully destroyed and had no chance of ever going to court, so I didn’t think I had anything to lose by posting what I did.

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