DC Matthew Sharkey from Greater Manchester Police (GMP), said: “We know there are people out there who are able to tell us what they know and what they saw all those years ago.

“It will be playing on the mind of someone who knows something, and I hope their conscience will allow them to speak to us after all this time.

“All of the work we are doing is to get Vera, Paul’s mother, to finally see her son’s killer or killers brought to justice and help a family finally come to terms with the death of their loved one.”

Mr McGrath’s sister, Gillian McGrath, is also urging people for their information, not just for her but also for her elderly mother Vera who is 85 years old.

She said: “I saw my mum bury her son and it was the worst thing in the world to witness.

“My mum, along with the rest of our family, goes to Paul’s grave to lay flowers on his birthday every year and we have done this for the last 27 years.

“We just wish that we knew exactly what happened to our Paul and see those who brutally killed him to be brought to justice.”

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