On Friday, Mr Sunak responded angrily to the comments by Mr Parker saying it “hurt” that his two daughters had to hear the language used.

“When you see Reform candidates and campaigners, seemingly using racist and misogynistic language and opinions seemingly without challenge, I think it tells you something about the culture within the Reform Party,” he said.

The footage also shows Mr Parker describing Islam as “the most disgusting cult out” and suggesting army recruits should carry out “target practice” by shooting at small boats bringing illegal migrants to the UK.

In a statement Mr Parker said “neither Nigel Farage personally or the Reform Party are aware of my personal views on immigration” adding that he apologised “if my personal views have reflected badly on them and brought them into disrepute as this was not my intention”.

In the programme, Mr Jones, a long-time party activist, is seen repeatedly describing members of the LGBT+ community as paedophiles.

The has contacted Mr Jones for a comment.

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