In 2022, MacCallum left Rainbow Valley and an account that only she and one other person had access to needed to be closed.

It was then that the monumental fraud was discovered.

It was Angela’s other daughter Kendall, who worked in the charity’s office, who noticed payments going out to MacCallum.

At first, Angela refused to believe it. She said: “It was complete disbelief, I was in denial. I was like, no, absolutely not a chance.”

She then phoned MacCallum. The denial, she said, was flat and absolute – but then, realising Angela had evidence in the form of bank statements, MacCallum admitted her guilt.

MacCallum said she did it for her daughter, who was in trouble and couldn’t pay her rent.

Angela said MacCallum initially apologised saying “I’ve let everybody down”.

But then she said MacCallum struck a different tone. “She told me, ‘Angela if you take this any further it will ruin me, and it will ruin you and it will ruin the charity,'” she said.

A total of £25,000 was paid back.

The next day, Angela went to the police.

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