Pauline started feeling better almost immediately, and the pair now want to highlight the potential dangers of CO leaks because, without the alarm, Pauline said she might not be here today.

“If she hadn’t gone to the Crucial Crew workshop, and she hadn’t got the alarm and she hadn’t given it to me, then who knows?” Pauline said.

Crucial Crew is an event led by emergency services agencies in Greater Manchester to teach children safety advice.

CO is a poisonous gas that poses a serious threat to health if exposure occurs, and it cannot be detected by smell, taste or sight.

According to Cadent, each year there are around 40 deaths in England and Wales from CO poisoning.

Pauline has urged everyone, particularly those who are older or live on their own, to ensure they have alarms fitted and to monitor any unusual symptoms.

She said: “I know they say it’s the silent killer… but people don’t tend to think about carbon monoxide.

“In the case of people my age, if you did get dizzy spells, don’t just presume it’s old age.”

Asked how Connie felt after “saving her Nanna’s life”, she said “heroic” and “tremendous”.

She added: “Don’t expect it not to happen to you because it can.”

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