Out of present ideas for family and friends this Christmas?
Why not tell them that their gift has helped to give a local child the gift of reading and donate the present money to the Christmas Book Gifting Appeal 2023.
Manchester Central Library Development Trust has just launched its Christmas Book Gifting Appeal and this year, the campaign hopes to raise funds to support Read Manchester and Manchester Libraries get brand new books to Manchester children and families and to help children and young people discover the joy of reading.
Improving literacy and enabling children to fall in love with reading is central to Read Manchester and Manchester Libraries’ work. Through partnerships with hundreds of local organisations including schools, foodbanks, community groups, refuges and youth groups, the initiative gets new books to children that need them most – more than 102,000 books have been gifted to children in Manchester in the last twelve months.
And during last year’s festive period alone the book gifting campaign distributed more than 10,000 books to 89 of the city’s community organisations. They, in turn, distributed the books to children and families at one of the many events and parties, including Santa visits, that were put on for families.
Feedback from organisations that helped distribute last year’s gifted books show how important the book gifting campaign is:
“One of my customers cried – she was so grateful as things are so difficult at the moment.” Sammy from Anson Community Grocers, Rusholme.
”We feel the project is educational, entertaining, and ultimately a ‘small’ gesture with a huge positive impact on our service users” the majority of whom are single parent families. Work For Smile Charity
Councillor John Hacking, Executive Member for Skills, Employment and Leisure said: “As we approach Christmas we know that many families will face some tough challenges as the cost of living crisis continues and buying presents or new books may not be top of their priority list. But this really makes a difference so, for those who can afford to donate even a small amount to our book gifting appeal, they can be assured that they are contributing to our children’s futures as we know that children who read do better at school and have more opportunities in life as they grow older.
“By donating to our book gifting appeal today – whatever you can afford – you will be giving the gift of reading to Manchester children and families, struggling to make ends meet.”
Brendan O’Shea, Chair of Manchester Central Library Development Trust said: “We know many families are still struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, but it’s important, more than ever, to help those far less fortunate than ourselves who can really benefit from our goodwill. Just £10 could provide two brand new books for children that really need them this Christmas.”
Reading for just 10 minutes a day can have astonishing benefits. Children and young people who like to read are three times more likely to have better mental health than those who don’t. Evidence shows that helping children to love reading is crucial to developing literacy skills. It enables children to succeed at school, helps them develop skills, and leads to healthier, happier lives (Research from the National Literacy Trust).
• £10 could provide two books for a struggling family this Christmas
• £20 could help four children receive a book of their own to read this winter
• £30 could provide a community foodbank with six books to distribute to local families
To donate to the campaign please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/mancbookgift