Speaking on the anniversary of his son’s death, Nathaniel’s father said he would never get over his loss.

He said: “We had all hoped he would grow up to be a citizen of this country who might do something for this country.

“Those were our hopes, all gone in five seconds.

“I am broken, with scars you can’t see.

“It’s life-changing. Wherever I go, it’s with me.”

Mr Shani said he wanted to send a message to children that carrying a knife was never acceptable.

“I’m not going to give up. I don’t know how, but I’m not going to give up for his sake,” Mr Shani said.

Two boys, aged 14 and 15 and who cannot be named because of their ages, were convicted of Nathaniel’s murder at Manchester Crown Court in April.

In June they were given life sentences with a minimum of 10 years in custody after the court heard the 14-year-old boy had encouraged the 15-year-old to stab Nathaniel, who died from a knife wound to the neck.

The boy who inflicted the fatal wound claimed he had been acting in self-defence.

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