GB News reporter Sophie Reaper was left in shock after she saw a prisoner escape while stationed outside HMP Kirkham prison today.

It comes on the same day the Government has released thousands of criminals early, as a second wave of their early release scheme.

Speaking during a live report for GB News Sophie explained: “In the last hour or so, we’ve seen one man leave this prison in perhaps more controversial circumstances.

“My cameraman and I were stood here waiting to do our for GB News, when I saw a man in all black.

Sophie Reaper saw the incident take place

GB News

“He appeared on top of the fence, which is covered with barbed wire. There was a black vehicle waiting just beneath. He jumped down, hopped in the car and it sped off out of the prison.

“Within a few minutes, an alarm had begun sounding here at HMP Kirkham and then the police vans and cars have started to arrive.”


Sophie said she saw the man jump over the fence

GB News

HMP Kirkham prison told GB News: “We’re urgently working with the police to recapture this prisoner.

“Absconds are rare, but those who break the rules face tough consequences including being moved to closed conditions and extra jail time.”

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