Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras captured Taylor’s car around the county before heading to Cheshire, where he was stopped later that day and arrested.

During sentencing, Taylor was also handed an indefinite restraining order, preventing him from contacting his wife and son.

Temporary Det Con Amber Holmes said: “This was a ferocious and sustained attack by Taylor on his wife who genuinely feared she was going to die.

“After this incident, she disclosed to police that she had been suffering from domestic abuse at the hands of her husband for around 40 years, including a previous incident involving a knife.

“It’s clear from the history and the actions of Taylor on this day that he posed a very real threat to his wife.

“I am pleased therefore that the judge has recognised the danger posed by Taylor with this extended sentence.”

If you are affected by any of the issues in this story, the Action Line has information about services that can provide support and advice.

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