David Barclay, manager of the RZSS Saving Wildcats team, said they set live trail cameras near baited traps to capture the animals.

“It was a long night for our specialist keepers who were taking turns to monitor any activity,” he said.

“It was amazing to see the lynx being captured safely and humanely, which makes the lack of sleep more than worth it.

“Biosecurity laws mean the cats need to spend 30 days in suitable quarantine facilities, so we will transfer them from Highland Wildlife Park to Edinburgh Zoo, where we will further assess their health and welfare.”

He said the cats may eventually return to Highland Wildlife Park, which is near where they were trapped, “though it is too early to say for certain”.

Highland Wildlife Park is already home to two grown Northern Lynx, named Switch and Neon. The Northern Lynx is a subspecies of the Eurasian Lynx.

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