The contractors had billed the council a total of £2.6m for work to the homes on Tracey’s side of the street. She says they were charged for loft insulation and the replacement of guttering and downpipes – work that was not done.

A breakdown that has been seen by the showed that £37,000 had been charged for replacing gates.

“They said they had replaced all of the side gates – they hadn’t,” Tracey says.

After years of going back and forth with Lambeth Council, she says she was offered a refund of 36% but when the paperwork came through it had an NDA attached. She refused to sign it – leaving her able to speak to the without fear of legal reprisals.

“They said you have to sign it or we will retract our offer,” Tracey says.

In a statement, the council justified the use of these clauses, stating: “Confidentiality is one of the cornerstone principles of mediation.”

It added that the settlements were used to “resolve disputes and avoid the stress, time, costs, and incurrence of court resources” .

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