Yoav Gallant has told the United States that Israel would not tolerate Hezbollah on its border post-Oct 7 – Maya Alleruzzo/AP

Israel’s defence minister warned on Thursday that there is only a “short window” of time for a United States-led diplomatic push to secure Hezbollah’s removal from its border and prevent a new front opening in the north.

Some fighters in the Lebanese terrorist group’s elite Radwan force, set up to infiltrate Israel, have pulled back from the border, Israeli military sources told The Telegraph.

Yoav Gallant told Amos Hochstein, the US special envoy, that Israel would not tolerate the militant group on its border post-Oct 7 and that an inflection point was fast approaching where it would be removed by either diplomatic or military means.

“There is only one possible result – a new reality in the northern arena, which will enable the secure return of our citizens,” Mr Gallant told Mr Hochstein, who arrived in Israel on Thursday in an urgent bid to prevent a new Israel-Lebanon war.

“Yet we find ourselves at a junction. There is a short window of time for diplomatic understandings, which we prefer. We will not tolerate the threats posed by the Iranian proxy, Hezbollah, and we will ensure the security of our citizens,” he added.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, repeated the message to Mr Hochstein, saying that the return of Israeli citizens to their homes in the north was one of the main goals of the war. Dozens of towns near the border have been evacuated for fear of a cross-border incursion.

Tensions in the north have soared following a drone strike in a Hezbollah stronghold in southern Beirut on Tuesday that killed several senior Hamas operatives, including Saleh al-Arouri, the group’s deputy political leader.

American, French and British diplomats are now rushing to try to negotiate the implementation of UN resolution 1701, which calls for the establishment of a demilitarised zone between Israel and the Litani river in southern Lebanon.

The resolution was agreed by both sides following the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war but never properly implemented or enforced by the UN.

As tensions on the border have escalated since Oct 7, with daily rocket attacks and an estimated 140 Hezbollah and other militants killed, France has launched a concerted diplomatic push in Lebanon but has largely been rebuffed.

Mourners attend a funeral of three Hezbollah fighters killed in Kafr Kila, Lebanon

Mourners at a funeral of three Hezbollah fighters in Kafr Kila, Lebanon. Tensions on the border have escalated since Oct 7 with an estimated 140 Hezbollah and other militants killed – Ali Hashisho/Xinhua News Agency/eyevine

A visit by a French envoy in early December resulted in a venomous attack on Emmanuel Macron, the French president, in the Hezbollah-affiliated Al Akhbar newspaper.

“The narcissistic French president didn’t get even for a moment that the Arabs all know the limits of France’s power,” it said.

“But the man likes to play with the big boys, and despite France not holding cards enabling it to sit at the table, its president jumps up from the back benches and asks to give him a position.”

Israeli military analysts are sceptical that a meaningful diplomatic solution can be reached and that Israel would be alert to the “charade” of compliance with 1701.

An Israeli fighter jet hits a Hezbollah position in southern Lebanon – Twitter

Brigadier general (Res) Assaf Orion, a former head of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strategic division and a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, said that some of Hezbollah’s Radwan forces had been withdrawn from the border area but that was probably for “tactical” reasons.

He said that the IDF remained “massively deployed” in defensive positions along the border, adding: “There’s no use in keeping a fast assault force in place when you’re not going to use it and when your surprise is gone, so they are falling back.”

The same approach would probably prevail longer term, Mr Orion said. “They will say ‘we’re fully committed to [resolution] 1701 and you must stop Israeli’s aggression’ and all that jazz. But the actual action – the troop deployment – will be mostly affected by Israel’s force employment and not by diplomacy.”

A diplomatic agreement may be enough to return the 80,000 residents of the evacuated Israeli towns and kibbutzim to their homes along the Lebanon border but whether it would suffice for the Israeli defence establishment was not yet clear, Mr Orion said.

He said that there has been a “transformation” in the country’s thinking about security post-Oct 7 – Israel had misjudged Hamas’s intentions before the attack and had pledged not to make the same mistake again.

Israel is calling for a United States-led diplomatic push to secure Hezbollah’s removal from its border – JALAA MAREY/AFP

It had said that it would not tolerate militarily capable terrorist groups camped on its borders, while its military philosophy had shifted from “degrade and deter” to “degrade and defeat”, Mr Orion added.

A senior official in the Biden administration told reporters on Wednesday that Mr Hochstein had met with Abdallah Bou Habib, the Lebanese foreign minister, and that the United States has a “diplomatic effort underway to help resolve some of the tension” between Israel and Hezbollah, without elaborating further.

Hezbollah meanwhile was reported to be “demanding political reassurances” within Lebanon in return for the implementation of resolution 1701.

A senior Lebanese military commander inferred that it was trying to secure the Lebanese presidency in return for its cooperation.

“The presidency is not a consolation prize, neither at the level of the domestic situation, nor in terms of the strategic equations,” Samir Geagea, the leader of the Lebanese Forces, is reported to have said.

“The implementation of [resolution] 1701 has nothing to do with the presidential post in any way whatsoever,” he stressed.

As attacks continue, diplomats are trying to establish a demilitarised zone in southern Lebanon – AFP

Mr Gallant is reported to have pushed to attack Hezbollah immediately after Oct 7 but was talked down by the United States, which wanted time to assemble a naval task force in the area to bolster Israel’s air defences.

He may now push again to open a new front in the north – Israel’s towns in the north have already been evacuated, the fighting in Gaza is slowing, the American task force remains in place and there remains popular support for the war in Israel.

Nevertheless, Hezbollah is a much more formidable force than Hamas in terms of numbers, professionalism and capability.

Its arsenal of rockets, many precision guided, is said to number up to 150,000 – more than enough to overwhelm Israel’s Iron Dome air-defence system.

Mr Orion said that the scale of a war in Lebanon had yet to be fully internalised by the Israeli public and would not be taken lightly by any political leader.

“As [the Israeli politician] Benny Gantz used to tell the general staff [of the IDF]: operations we do when we can, wars we do when we must.”

On Thursday, more than 1,000 mourners attended the funeral of Arouri in Beirut, calling on Hamas to avenge his death.

A machine gun was laid on top of his coffin and those of two other Hamas military wing commanders also killed in the Israeli drone strike.

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