Shirley Maronie, whose sister Marie Pinfield died after she was operated on by Paterson, said she was “devastated”.

Ms Pinfield was had a procedure in 2006 and had to ask the surgeon for a second operation to correct the work.

A delay to chemotherapy and radiotherapy meant she developed secondary cancer in her lung and died in October 2008.

An inquest into her death, and those of more than 60 others who were under Paterson’s care, is due to start on 7 October.

“It feels to me that if you had a thug that had gone to a pub and caused GBH to 10 people we would never have given them any soft options but because you are a manipulative surgeon you get a fast pass to getting out of prison,” Ms Maronie said.

“It is a scandal.”

She said she would be contacting her MP and anyone else to see if she could get the decison overturned.

The liason officer said they did not yet know when Paterson would be moved.

“Unfortunately, the prison did not inform us he was being considered, which would have allowed you time to consider your views,” a communication to a victim said.

“As an organisation we can only apologise for the distress caused.”

The spokesperson said it had raised concerns with the prison and passed on the victim’s views.

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