Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has come under fire for his party’s “appalling” plans to ditch a ban on transgender ideology in schools.

This follows comments made by Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson, who suggested that the current Conservative guidelines could be reviewed if Labour is voted into power.

Speaking to the BBC about the current Tory guidelines, Phillipson said: “There are trans people within society and their existence should be recognised.

“Many aspects of the draft had good and straightforward principles in it. Other elements of it, I think, drifted far too much into partisan and unnecessary language.”

Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer has been criticised for his ‘appalling’ u-turn on trans ideology in schools

PA / GB News

Reacting to the move on GB News, Commentator Emma Woolf said gender ideology entering children’s classrooms is a “very serious issue”, and is “very destabilising and confusing” for young children to understand.

Woolf raged: “It’s absolutely appalling. It is a complex issue that we have created as adults.

“When you start talking about people being born in the wrong body – I have posters near where I live which show healthy young women with mastectomies, which they call top surgery, and they say ‘they/them’. And that is sponsored by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.”

Hitting out at the proposed u-turn on gender ideologies in schools, Woolf admitted that if the school that her young son attends was to introduce such teachings, she would “pull him out of school”.

Labour has pledged to ditch guidelines banning children from being taught that there are more than two genders


Woolf told GB News: “I have a three-year-old. Any school that starts questioning whether my child is a boy or a girl, whether they have the wrong genitals, whether they’re in the wrong body – I would pull him out of that school.”


In contrast, Political Editor of HuffPost UK Kevin Schofield defended Labour and claimed that Phillipson appears “on board” with the current guidelines, but wants to “check if teachers are happy with it” if she became the next Education Secretary.

Schofield explained: “She actually welcomed the guidance which had been introduced. She thought the guidance was a good idea. What she wants to do if she becomes Education Secretary is look again and see whether teachers are happy with the guidance.

“Ultimately it’s the teachers who are going to have to follow this guidance and implement it in the classrooms. I do not think that there’s any suggestion, certainly, that Labour would come in and just remove this guidance.”

Host Nana Akua was in disagreement with Schofield and claimed that changing the guidelines is “exactly the suggestion” and is what “people are now worried about”.

Kevin Schofield defended Labour and claimed Phillipson appeared ‘on board’ with the Conservative guidelines

GB News

Turning the debate back to Woolf, the commentator blasted the “insidious” plans of the Labour party, and warned that once it starts being taught in classrooms, it will become “destabilising”.

Woolf told GB News: “It’s insidious. Once you start questioning gender identity, once you start introducing gender ideology into classrooms, it is very, very destabilising.

“What we need to do is make sure there is adequate support with the consultation of parents. None of this nonsense about not telling parents. Adequate support, mental health support for anyone who is experiencing genuine gender dysphoria or distress.”

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