The group started back in August, when Ella moved back to the city after finishing university.

Noticing there were not many groups that tackled loneliness in young people, she said she decided to create “a free, accessible way for girls to make some long-lasting connections”.

Earlier this month Girls Who Walk hosted a Christmas social at Loaf in Salford, with two walks and an array of goodie bags filled with gifts donated from local businesses.

Ella described the gesture as being “in the spirit of what our group is about, and the spirit of Manchester, essentially”.

In typical Manchester fashion, Sunday’s event was accompanied by rainfall, although this did not deter the 100 high-spirited girls who turned up, laden with umbrellas and ready to go.

“It’s Manchester- of course it’s going to rain. It’s all part of the experience,” said walkers Emily Foster and Beth Thomas.

So far, the walks have gone ahead whatever the weather. Ella said: “If you wait for the weather, you’ll never get anything done.”

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