Margaret Aspinall, who lost her son James at Hillsborough when he aged 18, said the fact Sir Keir had phoned her last night to explain what the new legislation would look like, was “respect for all the hard work” the families and survivors.

“This is about the ordinary people who’ve stayed together,” she said.

“Who stayed together and fought for so long to achieve this. Its took a long time but we’ve achieved it.

“It is a lovely legacy of the 97. Their deaths will have changed things so much for the good of the ordinary people.”

Charlotte Hennessy, whose father Jimmy died in the disaster, has since campaiged for the truth about what happened.

She said it was only after the Hillsborough Independent Panel report she “realised the extent of how much information was withheld from us as a family”.

“Hopefully going forward this will stop other people from having such a long fight to find out what happened to their loved ones,” she said.

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