They were also working with United Utilities on the issue.

Liberal Democrat councillor Grace Baynham, who is cabinet member for highways, said: “Council budgets have been savagely reduced by the government over the last few years, so we have to prioritise investment where it’s needed most.”

She called on the current government to provide “proper investment into national water infrastructure and localised support to councils that have areas at higher risk”.

Ms Johnson said electricity and heating was not working at her home after the flood and she could not get into her kitchen. Her car was also flooded and needed replacing.

Her daughter had to use bin bags as waders when she came to help “move as much we could upstairs”, Ms Johnson said.

“It was not liveable and I was trapped upstairs. Overnight my life had been turned over, upside down.

“It was traumatic but there are neighbours worse off than me as I’ve got insurance.”

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