The court was told that following his arrest, he voiced support for dissident republican violence and told a probation officer that while not being actively involved, if the need arose he would be “one of the first on the front line”.

Justice O’Hara said that on 15 March, 2021 a call was made to the Impartial Reporter newspaper by a man claiming to represent the North Fermanagh Continuity IRA.

The caller said shots had been fired at Enniskillen Police Station and a device left at Shore’s Pass.

Later that evening, the PSNI released a statement saying nothing untoward had been found and there had been no reports of shots being fired.

A day later, police tracking Meehan’s movements observed him near the Territorial Army centre in Enniskillen.

The vehicle registration number of a soldier who drove out of the centre was later found in Meehan’s possession when his home was searched later that month.

He was also seen in the Lough Shore Path area of Enniskillen close to the police station on 16 March and the following day, a call was made to the Irish News detailing the location of an item in that area.

When the location was searched by police the following day, officers located an improvised firearm.

Meehan’s County Fermanagh home was searched on 30 March and a piece of paper with the soldier’s vehicle registration was found hidden in a void within an internal door.

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