Under the new package, several reforms proposed by the previous government in March will be introduced.

These include raising the threshold for the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) to refer officers to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), a “presumption of dismissal” for officers found guilty of particular criminal offences and speeding up the process for the IOPC to send cases to the CPS.

She said there will also be an “appeal mechanism” for bereaved families when a decision is made not to seek a charging decision.

Cooper said the the measures were “practical steps to rebuild confidence, tackle delays, provide clarity and ensure high standards are maintained”.

James Cleverly argued that firearms officers should be able to use their training in the role as part of their defence in criminal proceedings.

In the Commons, the shadow home secretary said he “agreed with almost all” of the proposals put forward by the government, adding: “As a society, we demand that our firearms officers put themselves in dangerous and difficult situations to protect others. Every firearms officer in the UK is a volunteer.”

He urged MPs to be “thoughtful and careful” about making statements on police decisions, because “we have seen too often police leadership bend to inappropriate levels of public pressure”.

Earlier, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said it was important the public have confidence in the police and the police have confidence in the government.

Under the current law, every armed police officer is personally responsible for their actions. Officers cannot use more force than is necessary to neutralise a threat.

A superior officer cannot tell a police officer to pull the trigger – nor can there be a pre-emptive tactical decision to shoot a suspect whatever the circumstances.

On Monday, police officer Mr Blake was found not guilty of murdering Mr Kaba.

The Metropolitan Police said the officer, who was suspended throughout the process, would be immediately reinstated.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) confirmed Mr Blake was facing a gross misconduct hearing before his criminal trial.

The watchdog said it would review its findings, taking into account evidence at the trial and any further police representations, as is standard practice when an officer is acquitted of a criminal charge.

The Met said it would make fresh representations to the IOPC and welcomed the watchdog’s review “given the very real complexities of a fast-moving and pressured incident”.

It has since been revealed that Mr Kaba had shot a man in a nightclub days before his own death.

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