One of the relatives, Steve Brisley, said it felt like the “cold-blooded brutal murders” of his family “all three who were British citizens” have been forgotten.

His British sister Lianne and UK-Israeli nieces Noiya and Yahel Sharabi were murdered on 7 October. His brother-in-law Eli is still a hostage.

“It was an act of terrorism” he said. “It is 51 weeks since my family was torn apart, 51 weeks since Eli was taken… I call on my government to do better, to do more, to bring them home.”

At Monday’s news conference, along with the other hostage families, he called on the UK government to table their own UK plan to get their relatives released – and on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a deal to free the hostages.

The relatives also expressed concern that if Israel launched a limited ground incursion into Lebanon it would take away the focus from trying to free the hostages.

They said it was time for the UK government to take a more “hands on approach” on working to free their family members who are still being held in Gaza.

A statement issued by the Foreign Office said: “Their Majesties have asked us to convey that they continue to keep you and all hostage families in their special thoughts and offer their prayers for your strength and endurance during such a dreadfully difficult and agonising time for you.”

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