Dissection has begun on hands from one of Peru’s hotly debated ‘alien mummies’ — seen in an eerie new video revealing bones and odd metallic structures.

Worldwide controversy has followed these now roughly dozen or so small peculiar specimens, often referred to as the ‘Nazca Tridactyls’ after the region in Peru where they are believed to have been taken by anonymous local ‘huaqueros’ (tomb raiders).

Now, doctors claimed to have removed a ‘light metal’ implant from the new specimen’s palm, a reporter who is working with medical professionals involved in the investigation told DailyMail.com.

The short video documents the moment one physician carefully pulls the suspected ‘alien implant’ from the Nazca Tridactyl’s severed, three-fingered hand with tweezers.

Mexican Navy forensic doctor Dr Jose Zalce Benitez, the examiner who removed the metal, said: ‘It is a very complex metal alloy that requires special knowledge and techniques to be able to achieve it with such quality and purity.’

‘It was possible to identify elements such as aluminum, tin, silver, copper, cadmium and osmium among others in smaller quantities and percentages,’ Dr Zalce added.

The video also depicts what appears to be one of the mummified hands peeled back to reveal two of its ‘metacarpal’ or ‘palm’ bones.

Mexican Navy Forensic doctor Dr. Jose Zalce Benitez, working with a colleague, removed an 'implantation of light metal' from the hand (pictured) of a tiny, 2-ft-tall specimen - believed by some to be an 'alien mummy' - as reporter Fernando Correa Dominguez told DailyMail.com

Mexican Navy Forensic doctor Dr. Jose Zalce Benitez, working with a colleague, removed an ‘implantation of light metal’ from the hand (pictured) of a tiny, 2-ft-tall specimen – believed by some to be an ‘alien mummy’ – as reporter Fernando Correa Dominguez told DailyMail.com

Dissection has begun on these hands from one of Peru’s macabre and hotly debated ‘alien mummies’ – seen in eerie new videos revealing two of its apparent ‘metacarpal’ or ‘palm’ bones (above) as well as a thin, eerie metallic structure

‘This tridactyl hand, from which I obtained the metal, does not belong to any of the bodies presented at the Mexican Congress,’ Dr Zalce emphasized.

‘This hand is part of a series of loose pieces that belong to the place where the tridactyl bodies of Peru were found,’ the physician and forensic expert clarified. 

The doctor’s investigation into these unusual and potentially extraterrestrial bodies dates back to his testimony before an open hearing of Mexico’s Congress last year, during which two similar alleged ‘alien’ corpses were presented.

Since that September 12, 2023 congressional presentation, two distinct sizes of these alleged ‘alien mummies’ have been subjected to public scrutiny — but the new video examination relates to the smaller and more controversial of the specimens.

The alleged ‘metal implant’ can be see looking like a torn patch of silvery reptilian scales in the new video, as it is tilted toward the camera by Dr Zalce’s gloved hand.

Reporter Fernando Correa Dominguez explained to DailyMail.com that the hand had been carefully rehydrated by the doctors to better remove the ‘metal implant.’

Initially, Correa noted, ‘they did not see any moisture inside the hand, [only] dehydrated skin tissue was observed inside the tendons and muscles.’ 

Dr Zalce described the procedure in more detail: ‘We used a forensic technique to protect the tissue and minimize its degradation […] a special serum that is used for the rehydration of corpses that has very specific concentration percentages.’

Correa told DailyMail.com that this hand from this alleged non-human mummy had been rehydrated by Drs Zalce and Rangel to better remove the ‘metal implant’ (above)

Above: ‘The metal implant,’ as Correa explained from Mexico on Wednesday, ‘looks like aluminum and tin: a very light alloy […] However, it is not possible to confirm what type of metals it contains until it is subjected to metallurgical analysis

‘We use sterile swabs with a soft surgical cotton tip to avoid any type of damage or contamination to both the metal sample and the tridactyl hand,’ Dr Zalce elaborated.

‘This technique is used by the FBI and helps recover data or information from relevant evidence in forensic investigations,’ the physician noted.

Correa, who took credit for bringing Dr Zalce onto this project, added that the severed ‘tridactyl’ hand closely resembles the hands present on the specimens brought before Mexican Congress last year.

That spectacle within the nation’s highest legislative body had been spearheaded by UFO researcher and broadcaster Jaime Maussan, Correa’s boss for over two decades at the paranormal-focused TV news magazine ‘Tercer Milenio.’

‘It is a hand from small bodies,’ Correa told DailyMail.com, ‘such as the mummies of Josephina, Victoria and Louise’ as the mummies have been nicknamed by the team. 

These purported beings — typically just under two feet (60.96 centimeters) long — have originated from sites in Peru along with larger, more human-sized specimens, similarly coated in white, powdery algae fossils known as diatomaceous earth.

Critics, including top Peruvian officials from the Ministry of Culture, have claimed the smaller bodies are grim fabrications, based on two specimens seized by customs.

Dr Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist with Peru’s Institute for Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, concluded the seized bodies were grisly dolls, ‘assembled with bones of animals from this planet, with modern synthetic glues.’

Radiologist technician Guillermo Ramirez examines an x-ray of one of Maussan’s ‘Nazca mummy’ specimens (above) at Noor Clinic, in Huixquilucan, Mexico on September 18, 2023 

‘They’re not extraterrestrials,’ Dr Estrada pronounced after his group’s examination last January. ‘It’s totally a made-up story.’

But Colorado attorney Josh McDowell has told DailyMail.com that these two alleged mummies, which were confiscated by Peruvian customs from courier DHL at an airport in Lima, only superficially resemble those brought before Mexico’s congress.

These contraband specimens, he said, also did not resemble those kept at the University of Ica in Peru, where many of the Nazca Tridactyls are currently stored.

McDowell said that the seized ‘mummies,’ dressed-up in miniature imitations of traditional Andean dress, had merely been bootlegs made by an artist who intended to cash-in on the ‘Nazca mummy’ craze.

‘The artist that made them said as much,’ he continued.

‘There is a way to obtain definitive answers as to what these specimens are through genetic testing and additional forensic examination,’ McDowell emphasized. 

‘It would mean a true collaborative effort with a multidisciplinary team of scientists, working with the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, to complete the studies legally, ethically and with respect to the cultural heritage of Peru.’  

The prolific UFO researcher and broadcaster Jaime Maussan (left) was Correa’s boss for decades at the paranormal-focused TV news magazine ‘Tercer Milenio.’ Above, Correa (right) and Maussan pose beside a statue of a ‘grey alien’ in Tercer Milenio’s studio in Mexico City

But whatever the truth behind these two seized ‘alien mummies,’ Correa said that the hand dissected by his partners closely match those presented to Mexico’s congress. 

‘Dr Ricardo Rangel, molecular geneticist, and Dr Zalce, a physician expert in forensic sciences, are the two scientists with the most experience in this case,’ he said.

‘I invited them from the beginning to analyze the bodies of the Nazca mummies.’

Correa noted that Rangel and Zalce’s study of this specimen’s hand greatly resembled the internal structure of Maussan’s prior Nazca bodies, scanned via a noninvasive x-ray-like method, high-resolution computed tomography.

Both agreed on the inside of the hand,’ Correa said.

‘There is anatomical correspondence with this member that comes from the same place where the other specimens were found: a cave in the Peruvian desert,’ he said.

But even some sympathetic observers and amateur ‘ancient alien’ archeologists online have voiced their doubts about the hand as depicted in the new video.  

Posters on the Reddit forum r/alienbodies likened the interior seen in the new alien hand video to ‘wet sludge and bones’ or hastily stuffed ‘with ground coffee beans.’ 

‘The more I learn about these,’ one opined, ‘the less authentic I believe them to be.’ 

For his part, Dr Rangel, whose past research work has focused on a form of gene called Human leukocyte antigens (HLA), has focused the most of his studies on DNA samples taken from the Nazca mummies over the past few years.

In one of his 2023 assessments of the specimens, he asserted that ‘there is a probability greater than 50 percent that this organism is not related to living beings known to date on our planet.’

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