Households and businesses could earn money off their energy bills, points or prizes from their energy provider if they cut electricity usage this evening.
Some 1.4 million businesses and households have so far signed up to take part in the service, known as the Demand Flexibility Service, which aims to manage electricity supply through periods where margins are tight.
Eligible customers could be rewarded if they shift their electricity usage to outside of the window tonight, on November 29.
Tonight’s test event will be staggered across providers, with some asked to participate between 5-6pm and others between 5.30pm-6.30pm.
Will you take part in tonight’s test event? GB News wants to hear from people who are taking part in the scheme – email if you’d like to be featured.
Using the oven outside of the event, when there is expected to be peak demand, could mean participating households earn rewards
Households will be contacted by their suppliers if they are eligible to take part, and those who qualify could earn points, pounds or prizes if they carry out usual energy-intensive activities, such as using the washing machine or oven, to other times of the day.
Consumers and businesses who haven’t signed up could still get involved by signing up with one of the 37 suppliers, aggregators and businesses who have signed up to act as registered providers in the service.
The Demand Flexibility Service first launched last winter, with 1.6 million households and businesses taking part with 31 registered providers.
It saved more than 300MWh of electricity across 22 events, which is enough to power almost 10 million homes, the National Grid ESO said.
Claire Dykta, Director of Markets ESO, said: “We’re excited to see that providers, consumer households and businesses are getting engaged in such numbers this year with the Demand Flexibility Service.
“We’re really pleased to see the high level of participation at this early stage and expect this only to grow as more people get engaged in demand flexibility for the first time, following the success of the service last year.”
The full list of domestic energy suppliers which have signed up to the scheme are:
- Axle Energy Ltd
- British Gas
- CarbonLaces Solutions Ltd
- Chameleon Technology (as Ivie)
- Easee UK Ltd (via Axle Energy Ltd)
- E.ON Next Energy Ltd
- Equiwatt
- Foxglove Energy Supply Ltd T/A Outfox the Market (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- GivEnergy (via Axle Energy Ltd)
- 100 Green (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- Good Energy (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- Hildebrand Technology Ltd
- Hugo Energy App (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- Loop (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- Octopus Energy
- Ohme (via Axle Energy Ltd)
- OVO Energy
- Passiv UK (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- Perse Technology Ltd
- Power Rewards App (via Orange Power Ltd)
- Scottish Power (via Equiwatt)
- Shell Energy Retail (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- SMS (Solo Energy Ltd)
- SolarEdge Technologies (via SMS – Solo Energy Ltd)
- Uswitch Ltd (via Hildebrand)
- Utilita Energy Ltd