A swimming academy has operated at the boarding school since Titans closed but swimmers have been competing with Leicester Sharks, a club based more than 100 miles away which agreed to help the children continue racing.

While the report’s conclusion is good news for the club, college and parents who have fought to bring Ellesmere’s name back to competitive swimming, it lays bare the serious allegations that led to Titans’ demise.

Excerpts from a report in 2021 show club management failed to tell Swim England about “a number of children’s attempted suicides, self-harming, drug use, physical assaults, sexual offences involving children and fat/body shaming often linked with a concerning weighing regime with associated eating disorders”.

It went on to say other allegations included “racist and homophobic comments, personal remarks, humiliation, lack of treatment/empathy, sexual comments, direct messaging of children and coaches getting other swimmers to ‘spy’ and report on children”.

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