Scotland, Jersey and the Isle of Man are all considering changing the law to let terminally ill people end their lives.

Campaigner Dame Esther Rantzen wants Westminster MPs to vote on assisted dying too, while Liz Carr, a comedian, actress and disability rights campaigner, has been a vocal opponent.

Views on both sides of the debate are clear from your comments.

Lynne from Kent and Anne from Lancashire both ask whether the parties would put legalisation of assisted dying to a referendum, while Oliver, aged 29, from Bedfordshire says it is “an important social issue” which has not had an airing in this campaign.

However, John from Devon says it would be “nonsense” to allow assisted dying in any form.

Only the Greens suggest in their manifesto that a change in the law is needed. The Conservatives describe it as a “matter of conscience” – both they, and the Liberal Democrats, say it should go to a free vote in Parliament.

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