On top of his sentence, Finn must also serve four years on extended licence, will be on the sex offenders register for life, and will be subject to a lifetime sexual harm prevention order.

Following the sentencing, Dr Simon Roe, acting medical director of Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs King’s Mill Hospital, offered an “unreserved apology” to the girl and her family.

“Since the moment this incident was brought to our attention as part of the police investigation, we have supported Nottinghamshire Police and have conducted our own robust review to understand how anyone could breach the strict measures that are in place to protect patients,” he said.

“Ultimately, only Edward Finn knows how he managed to commit these abhorrent crimes that I am clear represent the ultimate betrayal of trust – not only to the victim in his care and their family, but also to the thousands of colleagues who work tirelessly to provide the best possible care across our NHS.”

Dr Gis Robinson, executive chief medical officer for University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Royal Derby Hospital, said: “We are appalled that Finn abused his position in this way on our premises.

“We have robust safeguarding procedures to protect patients and staff, and want to reassure anyone attending our hospitals that they are able to ask for a chaperone – whether a family member, friend or another member of staff – to accompany them for any appointment should they wish.”

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