Mr Taylor said gangs were now using drones carrying payloads of up to 3lb (1.3kg) of contraband into prison.
Inmates had organised the delivery of “Zombie knives” and firearms could follow.
“Knives indeed are getting in,” he said. “It’s entirely possible that if somebody was determined enough they could get a gun in.
“If a weapon is able to be got into a prison, then the prisoner can use that to potentially take hostages or to threaten staff in order to be able to get towards the gate.
“There is also the possibility that someone could be picked up by a drone.
“It’s unlikely but… this is something that the prison service, the police and security services will have to be all over.
“In effect, what we’re seeing is that the airspace above our prisons, holding some of the most risky men in the country, is being ceded to organised crime gangs.”