Drivers have been warned about the risks of parking on pavements as more local authorities crack down to fine motorists.

Parking on the pavement could see drivers fined a minimum of £100 fine and depending on location, could see their vehicle towed away.

While parking on the kerb has always resulted in fines in London, drivers are now facing harsher punishments across the country as councils are calling on the Government to ban pavement parking altogether.

Local authorities are currently waiting for the results of a Government consultation which would allow them to introduce pavement restrictions and hand out fines to offenders. Wales is also looking into similar restrictions.

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Drivers could face harsh fines for parking on pavements


The Local Government Association, which represents councils in England and Wales, detailed how the ban on pavement parking would help save lives and make the streets safer.

It is hoped the change in law will make the streets safer for everyone, particularly those with mobility issues who have been calling for the ban for some time through petitions and various initiatives.

Greg Wilson, founder and CEO of said: “Drivers in England and Wales must be aware of the possible changes to parking laws which could give councils the power to fine them and even seize their vehicle.

“The rule has been in place in London for years, but now Scotland has also enforced the ban, it is more than likely that government consultations in the rest of England and Wales will follow suit.”

The ban would make parking on a path, being double parked, parked at a crossing point or parked on a verge between roads and pavements, illegal.

The crackdown on pavement parking could see drivers slapped with a fine of £130 and their vehicle could even be towed away in worst-case scenarios, Wilson added.

In Scotland, it is already illegal to park on the pavement under The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, with England now looking to put in a similar measure.

Parking on pavements has been outlawed in London since 1974, if enforced across the rest of England and Wales, the ban would give councils the same power to crack down on drivers parking in pedestrian spaces.

Wilson added: “Up until now, the Highway Code rules around pavement parking have been a little vague, it states drivers ‘should not’ park partially or wholly on the pavement unless signs permit it.

“However, the rule stating drivers ‘must not’ leave their vehicle in a dangerous position means if drivers are seen to be putting other road users at risk, they could be susceptible to a fixed penalty notice.

“Parking on pavements may seem convenient, but it can obstruct the road which is dangerous for the elderly and vulnerable, restricts emergency services and could lead to accidents and fatalities.

“With changes to the law likely imminent, drivers should err on the side of caution and avoid parking on pavements at all cost – to help increase safety for all road users and avoid potential fines.”


New laws could be introduced in the coming years to deal with pavement parking GETTY

Last year, Baroness Vere of Norbiton, the parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, for the Department for Transport acknowledged that pavement parking can cause real problems for pedestrians, but particularly for wheelchair users, people with visual impairments and those with prams or buggies.

She said: “We are also told that the current legislative framework may not be as clear or effective as it could be. These are important concerns, and I take them seriously.”

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