A good diet is important for longevity. What you eat and when you eat could make a difference.
A 100-year-old doctor shared the diet rules he has followed for a longer life.
Dr John Scharffenberg, who is an acting physician and nutritionist at 100, said it is important to eat unprocessed meals.
He added it is best to eat at set meal times, rather than graze throughout the day.
Dr John Scharffenberg shared his advice
“Eat at the proper time, that means no snacking,” Dr Scharffenberg said.
“Eat a variety. Not all at one meal… but over a 10 day period to make sure you get all the nutrients you eat.
“Eat a variety of natural, unprocessed foods in quantities for your ideal weight.”
Dr Scharffenberg added the benefits of eating salads and explained he started to do this more after finding it boosted longevity in others.
“I found people who ate a salad every day had a great drop in their chance of dying,” he told Plant Chomper.
“If they had a food that contains vitamin A and vitamin C in it, they could reduce their death rate by about three quarters.”
The doctor went on to discuss time-restricted eating, often known as intermittent fasting.
This involves eating all your meals within a certain time window and fasting for the remaining hours of the day.
Dr Scharffenberg said he follows this plan and eats all his food at two meals – breakfast and lunch.
Intermittent fasting can help with longevity, according to some studies.
Research published in the National Library of Medicine said it can help reduce the risk of disease and positively affect how cells age.
He shared the benefits of eating salads rich in vitamins A and C
The study concluded: “Intermittent and periodic fasting (IF and PF, respectively) are emerging as safe strategies to affect longevity and healthspan by acting on cellular ageing and disease risk factors, while causing no or minor side effects.
“IF lasting from 12 to 48 hours and repeated every one to seven days and PF lasting two to seven days and repeated once per month or less have the potential to prevent and treat disease.”
This comes as another doctor, aged 102, shared their diet advice for a longer life.
She said to drink water, eat fresh vegetables and ditch meats that don’t agree with you.