The two young girls had travelled across the UK to meet with Faradoye, under the pretence they were taking part in a photography shoot, police said.

One of the victims described how she had first met him in October 2023 at an address in Nottingham, where she was given alcohol before photographs were taken of her.

GMP said Farodaye was also convicted of inciting a child to engage in a sex act, breach of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order from 2014, a sexual act with a child, and taking indecent photos of a child.

He received seven years and four months with an extended licence of four years.

Det Con Olivia Lonergan said: “Faradoye is a dangerous child predator and the streets are safer with him behind bars.

“We are extremely grateful to the victims, who have shown significant strength and bravery in supporting this prosecution and we are hoping that the result goes some way to helping them heal and come to terms with what has happened to them.”

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