A woman who lives locally told London she had picked up the injured boy’s phone after it rang and she was able to get a friend to come to his side.

“I was back and forth with the boy on the floor and just trying to comfort him – he was saying ‘I am 15’ and ‘to call my mum’,” the witness said.

The police say their investigation into Daejaun’s death is still in the early stages and that officers are trying to build a picture of what happened.

Det Ch Supt Trevor Lawry said: “My thoughts are with Daejaun’s loved ones as they try and come to terms with this heart-breaking incident.”

He added: “I want to appeal to you again and ask if you know anything about the death of young Daejaun.

“Did you see anything suspicious around the Eglinton Road area? Did you see anyone running away from the area? Do you have any footage? If you do then please contact police.”

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