Moran had smuggled the drugs into the festival in his underpants and shoes.

Det Con Neil Fleming, of Cheshire Police, said: “Anyone who, like Moran, decides to risk bringing illegal drugs into Cheshire should seriously reconsider their choices.”

When security guards heard Moran using the laughing gas cannister, they went into his tent and found bags of brown and white powder.

They also found bags in his trainers outside the tent.

He tried to run but was stopped and brought to polic,e who searched him, finding more bags of drugs in his tracksuit waistband and inside his boxer shorts.

Officers also found £645 in cash in his wallet and rucksack before they arrested him.

Det Const Fleming said: “Every year we and the Creamfields events and security teams do our utmost to ensure that everyone attending the festival can have a safe and enjoyable time, and for the most part festivalgoers have respected the laws.

“Moran will have no doubt been aware of these laws and the restrictions at Creamfields and would have had ample opportunity to re-think his actions before it was too late.”

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