Labour cannot write a blank cheque for the rebuilding of Belfast’s Casement Park, Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Hilary Benn has said.

Hopes that the project could be completed in time for the Euro 2028 football tournament have been fading.

Northern Ireland is due to host five games in the football championships at Casement Park in west Belfast.

But the stadium site remains derelict and redevelopment work has yet to begin.

Speaking on the Good Morning Ulster programme, Mr Benn said “we would all like Casement to be built” in time for the tournament.

However, he said it was not even clear what the final cost of the project would be.

“The cost has gone from the original figure of £77.5m to now potentially over £300m, which is a huge increase,” he said.

“The question is, where is the rest of the very considerably increased amount of money that will be required.

“I can’t give a blank cheque and you wouldn’t expect me to given the huge rise in the costs there have been and we don’t yet know what the full sum is.

“What I do commit to do is to sit down urgently with all of the parties and say – there’s a responsibility on the UK government to make a contribution – but can the other parties contribute more and where that leaves you in relation to the total overall cost.”

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